Photodynamic Therapy

About Photodynamic Therapy

Photodynamic Therapy Skin Cancer Coogee Fremantle

PDT is a non-surgical treatment for both sun damaged skin and superficial skin cancers.

To treat confirmed skin cancers a cream is applied to the treatment area and is absorbed by damaged / abnormal cells. The cream will require a 3-hour incubation period (time to absorb into the abnormal cells) after being applied. A light source is then applied to the area for 8-10 mins, which activates the cream to cause destruction of the abnormal cells. This can sometimes be painful and local anaesthetic may need to be used to treat certain areas.

As the normal cells are unaffected it is uncommon for a scar or post treatment patch to be visible after 4-6 weeks. A treatment of a skin cancer requires 2 treatments several weeks apart for maximum effect. A period of 48 hours with little direct sun light is recommended following the procedure.

To treat sun damaged / pre-cancerous skin (solar keratosis) we can use a 2-hour period outside in daylight after cream application. Many people prefer this to the in-clinic light source treatment, and it has similar success rates.

How effective is PDT?

Most studies suggest a clearance rate of 70-80% of superficial skin cancers after 2 treatments. A similar rate of clearance for precancerous solar keratoses has been demonstrated.

If you have been diagnosed with a skin cancer and wish to discuss PDT is an option to treat it, please mention this to our reception staff when booking, and bring your pathology report with you. Our doctors will be able to advise you if PDT would be a suitable treatment option.